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Slovenia, 24. 8. 2018

Construction of a small hydro power plant Borovlje

After successfully built hydro power plant Brežice, RIKO continues constructing new HPP on the river Sava.
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Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 13. 8. 2018

New projects in the Ukrainian market

New project in the Ukrainian market
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Ljubljana, 9. 5. 2018

Riko celebrates its rich history

Today at Riko two symbolic anniversaries, celebrating Riko - its beginnings and its perspectives, were celebrated with selected guests and in a relaxed atmosphere. In May 1968, Stanislav Škrabec senior moved from Nova Gorica where he worked at the Factory of Vehicles (Tovarna vozil) and returned to his native Ribnica where he took over the Ribnica Metal Company. The company, which was just before closing, was developed into one of the most successful Yugoslav companies - Riko Ribnica, which under its wing united the entire Yugoslav machine building industry.
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Novo mesto, 22. 3. 2018

New high-speed automated warehouse in Krka's complex in Novo mesto

Podjetje Riko je bilo izbrano za izvedbo gradbeno-obrtniških del v sklopu projekta Krkinega novega visokoregalnega avtomatiziranega skladišča. Dela zajemajo izvedbo jeklene konstrukcije, fasade, strehe, nakladalne tehnike in zunanjega stavbnega pohištva.
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Prekmurje, 15. 3. 2018

Continuing the construction of the holiday village in Moravske toplice

We have started constructing new holiday homes in the Prekmurje village Ajda in Moravske toplice. We will be adding four new apartment houses to the existing holiday homes, which complement the Moravske toplice accommodation complex. The houses are to be handed over to the client by the end of summer 2018.
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Minsk, 9. 1. 2018

The first digital transformer station of 330 kV / 110 kV in Europe and in the world

Janez Škrabec, director and co-owner of the company Riko and Deputy Director General of the large-scale construction company RUP Mogilevenergo Nikolai Mihajlovič Mažar, signed a contract in Minsk. Riko is to renew their Mogilev-330 transformer station for Mogilevenergo, which will after reconstruction become the first digital transformer station of 330 kV / 110 kV in the world.
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Slovenija, 30. 11. 2017

Riko named the most respected employer in the construction industry

Moje Delo, a Slovenian provider of career products and services for the advertising of personnel needs has once again carried out by the Employer Reputation Report this year.
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Slovenija, 27. 11. 2017

Signing of the contract for the Ljubljana Central Water Purification Plant

In Ljubljana, Riko's Director Janez Škrabec and Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković signed the contract for the third phase of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Ljubljana.
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Slovenija, 29. 9. 2017

11 years of our work at the project The Lakes by Yoo

This year we celebrate the eleventh anniversary of our engagement in the Lakes by Yoo. Only in the year 2017 we have erected 10 new houses, which in total adds up to 85 houses in a decade.
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Slovenija, 29. 9. 2017

Janez Škrabec named Manager of the Year 2017

The Management Board of the Slovenian Managers Association elected Janez Škrabec, director of Riko, as Manager of the year 2017. At yesterday's ceremony at the Managers' Congress in Portorož, the award, which is considered one of the most prominent ones for high-profile economic achievements, was handed over to Mr. Škrabec by Andrej Božič, last year's laureate of the Manager association and the chairman of the commission for the selection of the recipient of the Manager of the Year award in the period 2017-2020.
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