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Pragersko, Slovenija, 31. 8. 2021

Start of works for the Pragersko junction and railway station

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021, Jernej Vrtovec, Minister of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia and Ljiljana Herga, Director of Slovenian Directorate for Infrastructure, accompanied by Janez Škrabec, Director of Riko, marked the start of work on the modernisation of the Pragersko junction. The event was also attended by Stane Mlakar, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Slovenska Bistrica, Matej Arnoš, President of the Municipality of Pragersko, Karmen Furman and Mirjan Senčar as MPs and Dejan Kurkovič from DRSI.
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Tržič, Slovenia, 24. 8. 2021

Sewerage Upgrade Project signed in Tržič

On Tuesday, 24 August 2021, Janez Škrabec, director of Riko, and Borut Sajovic, the mayor of Tržič, signed a contract to launch the project to upgrade the missing infrastructure for drainage and treatment of municipal wastewater in the Tržič agglomeration. It is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the region.
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Bohinj, Slovenia, 21. 7. 2021

Renovation of Hotel Bohinj completed

A few days ago, Hotel Bohinj with its new apearance officially opened its doors. Riko, in partnership with Tosidos, provided the wooden structure and other construction and finishing work.
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Poing, Germany, 20. 7. 2021

Work has begun on the construction site of an automated high-bay warehouse for Bavarian Opera

Construction work has begun on an automatic high-bay warehouse for special containers for Bavarian Opera in Munich. Riko is erecting steel rack structures for 440 containers with roof and facade and is carrying out the planning, delivery, assembly and commissionning of the logistics equipment for this warehouse, connecting it to the existing warehouse system, including the connection to its IT part. For the next four years or during the warranty period, Riko will provide maintainance for the entire warehouse system.
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 26. 1. 2021

Riko for EXPO 2020 Dubai

RIKO has completed the construction of the Slovenian pavilion at the prestigious exhibition EXPO 2020 Dubai. The pavilion with an area of 1950 m2 will present Slovenia to the visitors of the exhibition as a green heart in the centre of Europe, a crossroads of land and sea routes with an important geostrategic position.
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 15. 12. 2020

The construction of the Slovenian Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai is progressing

The company RIKO constructing the Slovenian pavilion at the Expo Dubai 2020. As the selected project holder for the design and construction of the Slovenian pavilion, we are now successfully completing the construction of the 1,550 m2 pavilion.
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Lviv, Ukraine, 4. 12. 2020

Contract signed for the construction of a sludge biogas plant in Lviv

Today, in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, we signed a contract with the client Lvivvodokanal, a municipal utility company that is 100% owned by the city of Lviv, for the construction of Biogas Production and Cogeneration Facilities in Lviv, which is a technically very comlex project. The project will be carried out in partnership with the Norwegian company CAMBI, which has the most advanced technological solutions and highly efficient technological processes for the needs of wastewater treatment plants worldwide. The project was acquired in an international competition as part of the EBRD public tender.
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Kyiv, Ukraine, 17. 11. 2020

The opening of the refurbished Syrets Kyiv Metro station

In accordance with the signed contract for modernisation of obsolete automatic passenger access systems of the Syrets Kyiv Metro station, which was awarded in 2019 in a public tender, RIKO has now completed the delivery of state-of-the-art equipment and automatic turnstiles for twenty-three access gates for this subway station in the Ukrainian capital.
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Gorenjska, Slovenia, 2. 11. 2020

Beginning of works on the interstation section of the Podnart – Lesce Bled railway line

Today we have started work on the interstation section of the Podnart – Lesce Bled railway line in the length of 10.69km. The modernisation of the Podnart – Lesce Bled section will be partially carried out during the complete closure of the railway line due to the Karavanke railway tunnel extension in the period from October 2020 to July 2021, while the reconstruction of the entire section between Podnart and Lesce Bled will be completed in 2022. It is planned to complete the works on the public railway infrastructure site following the maintenance process for public benefit.
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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15. 10. 2020

The NEDO project is in full swing

As part of the NEDO project, which is being implemented for our client ELES, d.o.o., we are building a battery energy storage with all associated equipment which will be located in the BTC (goods transport center) area in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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