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Portorož, Slovenija, 13. 11. 2019

Riko is renovating the hotel Histrion

In Portorož, Slovenia the company Riko is renovating the hotel Histrion, which is considered to be the largest hotel in Slovenia, with its associated swimming pools and Laguna Wellness Center. The renovation includes an energy renovation of the hotel, construction and demolition work, including demolition work, construction, ceramic and joinery work, painting, electrical and mechanical installations, supply and installation of furniture, supply of room equipment, supply and installation of wellness center equipment and pool techniques. We will hand over the completed facility to the investor, Hotel Bernardin,, by June 1, 2020.
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Ribnica, Slovenia, 1. 11. 2019

Completion of the construction of the water supply system in the Ribnica-Kočevska Valley

At the end of October, we successfully completed the construction of the water supply system in the Sodražica - Ribnica - Kočevje area within the contractual deadline.
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Ljubljana, Slovenija, 1. 10. 2019

Janez Škrabec awarded the Jubilee Medal of the Republic of Belarus

RIKO CEO and Honorary Consul of Belarus in Slovenia Mr Janez Skrabec was awarded today the Jubilee Medal to mark the 100th anniversary of diplomatic services in Belarus. The award was presented to Mr Janez Skrabec by the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to Slovenia HE. Exc Mrs. Alena Kupčina.
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Novo mesto, Slovenia, 26. 8. 2019

Updated warehouse for Adria Mobil

RIKO is currently completing works on the Adria Mobil spare parts warehouse and distribution center.
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Zadar, Hrvaška, 5. 4. 2019

Construction of Center for Waste management "Biljana Donja" in Zadar

Janez Škrabec, CEO of company Riko,and Dino Perović, CEO of company Eko, represented by Investor signed a contract for Construction of Waste management center "Biljana Donja" in Zadar.
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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23. 1. 2019

Successful in the field of logistics systems

At the end of last and in the begginig of this year we have successfully finished three projects for recognised contractors in the field of logistics systems.
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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3. 1. 2019

Zero tolerance towards politics of Islamic Republic of Iran

Zero tolerance towards politics of Islamic Republic of Iran
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Rakek, Slovenia, 30. 10. 2018

The grand opening of the new sport hall Rakek was held on 25th of October

On Thursdy 25th of October was a grand opening of sports hall, constructed by RIKO in consortium with other partners.
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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6. 9. 2018

Renovation of Cankarjev dom's roofs

This August, the company RIKO d.o.o. has signed a contract with the contractor Cankarjev dom Ljubljana for renovation of all its roofs.
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Slovenija, 6. 9. 2018

Automated storage system for Danfoss Trata

RIKO d.o.o. je z naročnikom Danfoss Trata d.o.o. podpisal pogodbo za projektiranje, simuliranje, dobavo, montažo in zagon avtomatskega skladiščnega sistema za zabojčke (miniload), ter za ureditev avtomatskega transporta zabojčkov iz skladišča preko mosta v proizvodnjo. V sodelovanju s številnimi podizvajalci bodo vsa dela zaključena do konca letošnjega leta.
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