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Slovenia, 11. 9. 2020

Riko has signed a contract for the reconstruction of the main railway line on the section between Podnart and Lesce Bled

Riko was selected as the most successful bidder and was awarded the contract for the modernisation of the Podnart-Lesce Bled section of the main Ljubljana-Jesenice railway line No. 20.
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Bohinj, Slovenija, 9. 7. 2020

Renovation of the Hotel Bohinj

Podjetje Riko bo za bavarsko državno opero (naročnik je državni gradbeni urad Rosenheim) postavilo avtomatsko visokoregalno skladišče za specialne zabojnike. Za projekt, pridobljen na javnem naročilu, smo se pripravljali leto dni.
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Germany, 24. 6. 2020

New project on the demanding German market

Riko will build an automatic high-bay warehouse for special containers for the Bavarian State Opera (commissioned by the Rosenheim State Building Office). We have been preparing for this project - obtained through a public procurement - for a year.
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Minsk, Belarus, 20. 3. 2020

First project with Belarusian railways

The head of the Riko representative office in Minsk, Zivorad Smiljković, has signed a contract for the reconstruction of the 110 kV / 27.5 kV Minsk-Severnyj power station which will supply power to electric trains of the Belarusian railways. Rich references in the field of construction and reconstruction of transformer stations for the Belarusian capital and a a competitive offer enabled Riko to enter the field of Belarusian railway infrastructure.
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Požega, Croatia, 5. 3. 2020

Riko to build a new wastewater treatment plant in Croatia

Today, Riko signed a contract for the construction of the Požega wastewater treatment plant in the size of 33,500 PE and the construction of reed beds for the treatment and mineralization of sewage sludge.
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Ljubljana, Slovenija, 4. 2. 2020

Battery energy storage for the NEDO project

The company Riko will supply a battery energy storage NEDO for the public company ELES. NEDO is a three-year smart grid project whose principal partners are NEDO and its authorised contractor Hitachi, and the ELES company.
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Stuttgart, Germany, 21. 1. 2020

Riko at the Logimat Fair in Stuttgart

Between 10th -12th of March Riko will be present at the LogiMAT Fair – the biggest international fair of intralogistics solutions and management processes in Europe.
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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6. 12. 2019

Riko named Most Eminent Employer in the Field of Construction

The largest Slovenian job portal MojeDelo.com has named Slovenia’s most reputable employers for the eighth year in a row. Based on the findings of the most successful European reputation research company, Universum Global, Riko was named the Most eminent employer in the field of Construction.
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Minsk, Belarus, 2. 12. 2019

New contract with Minskenergo

In November, Riko CEO Janez Škrabec and Minskenergo CEO Oleg Ščemelj signed a contract in Minsk announcing the start of the one of the major transformer stations in Minsk – Himzavod 110/10/6 kV. This will be Riko's 16th project of the sort in Belarus.
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 20. 11. 2019

Riko entrusted the construction of the Slovenian pavilion at the EXPO Dubai 2020

The company RIKO has been selected as the project developer for the design and construction of the Slovenian pavilion at the Expo Dubai 2020. The foundation stone for the 1,550 m2 large and 2.5 million Eur worth pavilion, whose conceptual design was prepared by Magnet Design from Ljubljana, will be laid by mid-December 2019 and works will be completed before the official opening of EXPO, on October 20th 2020.
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