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Slovenija, 27. 9. 2017

Opening of the Brežice Hydro Power Plant

Today takes place the solemn opening of the Brežice Hydro Power Plant. As part of the project the company Riko constructed the reservoir and overflow spillway and supplied all the hydromechanical equipment.
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Slovenija, 23. 8. 2017

Upgrade of the central Wastewater treatment plant in Ljubljana

Podjetje Riko bo znotraj projekta za odvajanje in čiščenje odpadnih voda v občinah Ljubljana, Medvode in Vodice nadgradilo čistilno napravo.
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Slovenia, 10. 7. 2017

Successful and Highly Respected in 2017, in Slovenia and abroad

According to this year’s Kline&Partner high standing research Janez Škrabec was again declared the 3rd most prominent Slovenian manager and Riko the 17th most respected company in Slovenia.
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Macedonia, 19. 5. 2017

Opening of the Volkovo Waste Water Treatment Plant

Čistilna naprava Volkovo odlikuje kakovostna in učinkovita tehnologija, ki preprečuje nevarnost izlivanja odpadnih vod iz posameznih septičnih jam oziroma greznic v podtalnico ali v vodotoke ter učinkovito in nadzorovano čistila odpadne vode iz naselij Kisela Jabuka, Stopanski Dvor in Volkovo.
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Minsk, 15. 3. 2017

Riko signed a new contract for the reconstruction of the largest transformer station in Minsk

Janez Škrabec, director and co-owner of the company Riko and CEO of RUP Minskenergo, Drozd Pavel Vladimirovič, signed a 38.5 million contract in Minsk. Riko is to restore the largest transformer station for the project customer, Minskenergo. This will the chain of new transformer station that supplies energy to the rapidly evolving Belarusian capital..
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Ribnica, 19. 1. 2017

Riko to build a new sports hall in the local community Rakek

A consortium of companies Riko, As Primus and Jelovica signed today a cpntract with the municipality of Cerknica for the design and construction of the new sports halls Rakek. The sports hall will be used for sports, school and non-school activities as well as cultural and social events, and will thus fill a problematic gap in the field of sport, physical education and recreation.
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20. 12. 2016

Start of cooperation with the Oryol region

A business conference and meeting of Slovenian and Russian business councils took place in the town of Oryol in the Russian Federation on 15 December, presided over by Janez Škrabec, Director of RIKO, on the Slovenian side, and Eduard Vaino, Vice President of the AVTOVAZ corporation, on the Russian side. The meeting, which was held under the auspices of the Governor of the Oryol region, Vadim Potomski, represents the launch of economic cooperation between the Oryol region and Slovenia
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Zagreb, 16. 12. 2016

Entering the Croatian market

As part of a larger project "Revitalization Waste Water Treatment Plant in Rijeka Rafinery" Riko signed its first contract on the Croatian market. Regardless of the strong competition of well-known names from the oil industry, Riko was selected as the equipment supplier for the API separator at a public tender. The contract includes the engineering, manufacture and supply of equipment, the erection supervision and the commissioning and training of personnel operating at INA. The equipment of API separators constitutes reconstruction and covering of pools, in which waste oils and the processed water from the treatment process of crude oil are collected.
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Beograd, 25. 10. 2016

First contract on the Serbian market

Riko signed a contract for the building of a 10.6 km long primary sewage with one pumping station and for the reconstruction and extension of the existing sewer. The project also includes the implementation of a 2.6 km long water supply and a system for the collection and treatment of waste water in the town of Raška in Serbia.
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Ihan, 21. 9. 2016

The foundation stone for the Ihan elementary school

Alongside our partners from the company As Primus and the investors of the project, the Municipality of Domžale , we have yesterday laid the foundation stone for the building of the extension branch and corresponding landscape of the elementary school in Ihan.
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