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16. 7. 2014

Successful and Highly Respected

According to this year’s Kline&Partner high standing research Janez Škrabec was again declared the 2nd most prominent Slovenian manager and Riko the 16th most respected company in Slovenia.
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14. 7. 2014

Hydraulic Press for the MAZ

The MAZ automobile company from Belarus chose Riko for the supplier of a hydraulic press for sheet metal forming – deep traction. In accordance with Riko’s technological solutions the press for sheet metal forming was manufactured in the SMM factory in Maribor.
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2. 7. 2014

Entering New Markets: Moldova

We have entered a new market. Riko signed a contract for the construction of two modular cleaning plants in the Strasheni region in the Republic of Moldova. This is going to be RIKO’s first job in Moldova and it will be financed from a donation in frames of the official developmental help sponsored also by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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16. 6. 2014

Kempinski is soon to be finished

The construction project of the Kempinski hotel complex in Minsk lead by Riko has made a rapid progress. The operational team is successfully leading the project; the construction work in the tunnel and the arrangement of the surrounding areas are about to be finished. They are working on weekdays and weekends in order to finish the project in time; over 600 construction workers and over 50 representatives of the leading personnel are daily working at the construction site.
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28. 5. 2014

Riko the second most successful company in Slovenia

Today the Finance newspaper published the TOP 101 ladder of the most successful companies on which Riko was given the 2nd place right after Krka from Novo mesto. According to Finance Riko nearly missed the 1st place. Krka and Riko are followed by Lek and in the first fifth of the ladder are mostly companies owned by foreign investors.
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13. 3. 2014

Riko signed contract with HESS

Today, at Brežice Castle, the Director of HESS, Bogdan Barbič, and Director of Riko, Janez Škrabec, signed a contract for the supply of hydromechanical equipment for the Brežice Hydroelectric Plant, the next in the chain on the lower Sava. After signing the contract, the Director of Riko also signed contracts with his subcontractors in the project.
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31. 1. 2014

Škrabec Honoured with the Russian Medal of Honour

Riko’s director Janez Škrabec received an international acknowledgement known as “Medal of Honour” for maintenance and nursing of economic and cultural connections between Slovenia and the Russian Federation. The acknowledgments have been presented today at the Russian science and art center by the Chief of the Orthodox military mission (Mister Igor Smykov) and the coordinator of the Russian orthodox church brotherhood Councill (Mister Yury Ageschev). All who were present at the ceremony were welcomed and greeted by Its Excelency Mister Doku Zavgajev, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Slovenia.
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23. 12. 2013

Grand Opening of Two Transformer Stations in Minsk

Konec minulega tedna so v Minskenergu slovesno odprli in zagnali prvi dve transformatorski postaji, ki smo jih uspešno izgradili v Riku.
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22. 10. 2013

The New Kindergarten in Ribnica Opened its Doors

The Ribnica municipality has just received its new kindergarten. Today the first part of the new kindergarten opened its doors for children between the age of 3 and 6. The two operating sections of the new kindergarten represent 1,800 m2 of facilities for the children and a three-floor administrative building of 1,000 m2. The new kindergarten was built within 15 months and will start serving its full purpose in end of October. The constructions were done by Riko and its local partners and were based on architectural solutions of the Arhi-tura biro. The investor of this construction project was the Ribnica municipality.
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27. 9. 2013

Riko Hiše a Nominee for the Leadership Award of the WGBC Europe Region

The World Green Building Council (WGBC) is the umbrella organization in the filed of sustainable construction, which represents over more then 25,000 organizations and companies from 98 world countries.
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