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Brežice, Slovenia, 8. 7. 2022

Photovoltaic power station for HPP Brežice

We are building a photovoltaic power station consisting of 11,232 modules with a nominal power of 6 MW for Hidroelektrarne na Spodnji Savi, d.o.o. (HESS for short).
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Mlaka, Slovenia, 5. 7. 2022

The success of Riko's digital solutions for smart cities

The European Commission placed Riko’s pilot project Smart Mlaka among the top four European examples of good practice in the field of smart cities.
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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 8. 11. 2021

Completion of the NEDO project

This past Thursday, at a gala event that took place online between Ljubljana and Tokio, the company ELES and its partners marked an important milestone in the second phase of the NEDO smart grids and smart communities project.
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Pleternica, Croatia, 12. 10. 2021

New wastewaterwater treatment plant in Croatia

On Monday, 11 October 2021, a contract was signed in Pleternica, Croatia, for the design and construction of the Pleternica wastewater treatment plant which is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund under the project "Development of water and municipal infrastructure of the Pleternica agglomeration". The new treatment plant will provide clean water for 15,300 inhabitants of the town of Pleternica. The works will start within a month.
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Cotswolds, United Kingdom, 21. 9. 2021

The Lakes by Yoo – Riko’s success story: 15 years later

The idyllic village of Lechlade in English Cotswolds, characterised by picturesque traditional villages, imposing stately homes and natural landscapes, is home to one of the most successful property developments in the world – The Lakes by Yoo, which is becoming an example par excellence in the property world. One of the most prominent developers of real estate potential, John Hitchcox and his studio Yoo, has succeeded in transforming a once degraded gravel pit site into a prestigious development of second homes that has outgrown itself due to extraordinary interest. A feel of the market and its potential, the right vision and a carefully crafted development strategy, the connexion with the right partners and a sustainable concept have created high added value for the project and new perspectives. Fifteen years ago, Riko began to participate in the project with its system of timber frame construction. It is Riko who signs off on the construction of the prestigious timber frame villas of The Lakes by Yoo project.
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Pragersko, Slovenija, 31. 8. 2021

Start of works for the Pragersko junction and railway station

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021, Jernej Vrtovec, Minister of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia and Ljiljana Herga, Director of Slovenian Directorate for Infrastructure, accompanied by Janez Škrabec, Director of Riko, marked the start of work on the modernisation of the Pragersko junction. The event was also attended by Stane Mlakar, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Slovenska Bistrica, Matej Arnoš, President of the Municipality of Pragersko, Karmen Furman and Mirjan Senčar as MPs and Dejan Kurkovič from DRSI.
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Tržič, Slovenia, 24. 8. 2021

Sewerage Upgrade Project signed in Tržič

On Tuesday, 24 August 2021, Janez Škrabec, director of Riko, and Borut Sajovic, the mayor of Tržič, signed a contract to launch the project to upgrade the missing infrastructure for drainage and treatment of municipal wastewater in the Tržič agglomeration. It is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the region.
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Bohinj, Slovenia, 21. 7. 2021

Renovation of Hotel Bohinj completed

A few days ago, Hotel Bohinj with its new apearance officially opened its doors. Riko, in partnership with Tosidos, provided the wooden structure and other construction and finishing work.
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Poing, Germany, 20. 7. 2021

Work has begun on the construction site of an automated high-bay warehouse for Bavarian Opera

Construction work has begun on an automatic high-bay warehouse for special containers for Bavarian Opera in Munich. Riko is erecting steel rack structures for 440 containers with roof and facade and is carrying out the planning, delivery, assembly and commissionning of the logistics equipment for this warehouse, connecting it to the existing warehouse system, including the connection to its IT part. For the next four years or during the warranty period, Riko will provide maintainance for the entire warehouse system.
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 26. 1. 2021

Riko for EXPO 2020 Dubai

RIKO has completed the construction of the Slovenian pavilion at the prestigious exhibition EXPO 2020 Dubai. The pavilion with an area of 1950 m2 will present Slovenia to the visitors of the exhibition as a green heart in the centre of Europe, a crossroads of land and sea routes with an important geostrategic position.
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