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Riko signed a contract for replacement of boilers and burners

22. 2. 2013
Today the managing directors of Riko and Energetika Ljubljana, Janez Škrabec and Hrvoje Drašković, signed a contract for replacing the GVL 1 and GVL 2 hot water boilers, the BKG 1 steam boiler and burners on the hot water boiler VKLM 5 in TOŠ«.
Riko was chosen contractor in an open call for tenders and was entrusted with the replacement of boilers and burners. This replacement will ensure the supply of heat and steam to the town of Ljubljana and decrease stack emissions in accordance with the given Directives. The project includes planning, execution, supply, fitting and starting up of the entire boiler line with all subsidiary systems and granting of an operating permit. The entire project is to be completed in 1000 days. The contract value adds up to 14,880,000 EUR.