On Monday, 11
October 2021, a contract was signed in Pleternica, Croatia, for the design and
construction of the Pleternica wastewater treatment plant which is co-financed
by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund under the project
"Development of water and municipal infrastructure of the Pleternica
agglomeration". The new treatment plant will provide clean water for
15,300 inhabitants of the town of Pleternica. The works will start within a
Riko, which was selected as the contractor in a public tender,
will implement the project in cooperation with the Slovenian company
Hidroinženjering and the Croatian company Presoflex gradnja from the town of
Požega. Our part of the project includes the design, supply and installation of
the electromechanical equipment, commissioning and trial operation.
Completion is expected in mid-2024.