Riko has been entrusted with the construction of a prestigious complex,
which will be located in the historical centre of the Belarusian
capital. The complex includes a five star Kempinski Hotel (22,765
m²), 81 residential units (14,431 m²), offices (14,926 m²) as well as
parking and support facilities (23,411 m²). The
construction of a modern multifunctional complex with a Kempinski Hotel
will contribute to the further development of hoteliering activities at
the highest level and provide new impetus to tourism activities in the
high business class hotel standard category, the highest to date in
Minsk and Belarus.
Podjetje Riko, ki je na beloruskem trgu prisotno že desetletje, je zaupanje investitorja pridobilo s konkurenčno ponudbo, fleksibilnostjo poslovnega ustroja ter z mnogimi referencami, med katerimi velja predvsem izpostaviti izgradnjo Hotela Peter I v centru Moskve ter gradnjo transformatorskih postaj v Minsku. V izvedbo projekta bo Riko vključil močno slovensko komponento, tako v procesu izgradnje, kot pri dobavi opreme.